"Flora - Yellow Spikes" 18 X 18 by Charles H. Reinike III

Flora - Yellow Spikes

- Charles H. Reinike III -

oil on canvas

18" X18"


The yellow spikes are from a wildflower in the pea family. The image escapes from its background just as wildflowers defy containment.  

Shown hanging above  Flicker. Both by Charles H. Reinike III. To the right are  Effervescence by w.e. pugh and Charisma (far right) by Henry Callahan. 

"Flora- Yellow Spikes" above "Flicker" and next to "Effervesence" and "Charisma"
Mouse Over or Touch Image Below for Detail.
"Flora - Yellow Spikes" 18 X 18 by Charles H. Reinike III